3.6 Sustainable Natural Resource Management:
3.6.1 Natural Resources Department;
The sector overall objective is to have a fully organized, functional and operationally coordinated team to guide arid advice the District on sustainable utilization of the resource base with emphasis on land use, forestry, environment, wetlands, development control and security of land tenure in liaison with the Ministry Zonal Office.
Specifically, we shall endeavor;
To guide adherence to laws and develop ordinances governing the Natural Resource sectors daily.
To daily coordinate with other department sharing the Natural Resource base. To ensure legal compliance by private.
3.6.1 Forestry;
The overall department objective is to maintain and safeguard enough forestland and manage it effectively so as to optimize economic and environmental benefits to the District and the country at large.
The department shall specifically, endeavor; top remote sustainable forest management and utilization daily.
Continue carrying out community sensitization, education and tree planting campaigns so as to enhance collaborative forestry management and reduce extensive deforestation and increase forest cover quarterly.
Strengthen enforcement of laws and regulations, working with religious and cultural leaders to boost mobilization for tree planting daily.
3.6.2 Wetlands;
The departments overall objective is to ensure sustainable/ management of wetlands.
Specifically, shall endeavor;
To promote wetland sustainable resource management and utilization daily
To lobby for increased funding from development partners and donors so as to supplement the District effort to fund unfunded priorities quarterly.
To engage with communities through mobilization and sensitization to improve community, attitude and participation in wetland conservation issues daily.
To formulate community bye-laws and ordinances and conduct community Education annually.
Compile and disseminate District Wetland Action Plan and guide community implementation annually.
3.6.3 Environment;
Environment departments’ overall objective is to ensure sustainable use and exploitation of the environment.
Specifically, shall endeavor;
To lobby for increased funding from development partners and donors so as to supplement the District effort to fund unfunded priorities quarterly.
To sensitize and mobilize communities so as to improve community attitude and participation in environmental issues daily.
3.6.3 Environment;
Environment departments’ overall objective is to ensure sustainable use and exploitation of the environment.
Specifically, shall endeavor;
To lobby for increased funding from development partners and donors so as to supplement the District effort to fund unfunded priorities quarterly.
To sensitize and mobilize communities so as to improve community attitude and participation in environmental issues daily.
To formulate community bye-laws, ordinances and promote community Education annually.
Raise and avail at least 50,000 seedlings of various tree species annually.
Advise and supervise 10 schools per sub-county in three sub-counties about nursery establishment and tree planting every term.
Meet and advise twenty-one fanner groups in each sub-county on nursery management and tree planting techniques every quarter.
Undertake restoration of degraded environment (bane, hills, borrow pits and wetlands) from the current 24%, considering 5% annual increase.
Participate in drawing and implementation of annual environmental management plans for all sub-counties in the district, emphasising enacting of bye- laws to promote environmental management and encourage planting of woodlots.
Protect all public land by acquiring land titles.
To facilitate local environment committees and the sub-county focal persons for environment and wetlands to enhance their functionality quarterly.
To ensure compliance to regulations in various sectors daily.
3.6.4 Land Management;
The department’s overall objective is to achieve sustainable and equitable socio-economic development through optimal, management documentation and allocation of land.
Specifically, shall endeavor;
To ensure efficient, effective and equitable delivery of land services daily. To improve on the quality of cadastral surveys in the district quarterly.
To ensure that the process of acquiring land titles is transparent and easy to follow. Maintain and update the District property and land inventory daily.
To improve on record keeping at the land registry quarterly.
To drastically reduce on the number of unqualified staffs doing survey works annually.
To ensure that all public land under the District Land Board is managed well to the benefit of the local population annually.
To promote and protect the land rights and interests of the public daily.
To formulate community bye-laws, ordinances and promote community Education annually.
To formulate community bye-laws and ordinances and conduct community Education annually.
Compile and disseminate District Wetland Action Plan and guide community implementation annually.