4.8. Planning Department


The District Planning department, overall objective is to coordinate and ensure an integrated planning, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the District Development plans and programmes. The department shall specially report on the key outputs mandates which are critical to the attainment of Bugweri District Local Government’s strategic goals and objects and they include;

Annually develop District plans and budgets.

Coordinate the production and submission of the budget frame work paper by 15th November of every years, draft budgets by 15th march every year, quarterly performance reports by the 15th day of the month following the quarter, Budget estimates, consolidated procurement plans, annual workplans and Final performance contract by 30th June of every year to Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development.

Produce Bi-Annual and Annual Performance standards and Nonstandard Score-cards for submission to MoLG, and OPM and 30th January and 30th

July respectively.


Provide technical support to departments and LLGs in preparation and production of their respective plans and reports quarterly.

Determine and submit District Investment Priorities for Council approval by 30th March of every financial year.

Co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate District, Development Plans programs and projects.

Maintain, update data and store safely the District Management Information System daily.

Produce monthly minutes of Technical Planning Committee.

Analyze and disseminate 80% of Population factors, Gender, HIV/AIDS and Social economic data

Assess the performance of key indicators in the district. Development and align the five- year development plan

Guide departments in the integration of the crosscutting issues into the annual workplans and development strategic plans.

Collect, analyze and disseminate data

Update and functionalize ICT Policy and Maintenance Strategy annually.

Develop an ICT Innovations for Monitoring and Inspection System (MIS) of LG Service Delivery.


4.8 The Procurement and Disposal Unit


Ensure the application of fair, Competitive, transparent, non-discriminatory and value for money procurement and disposal standards and practices.

Harmonize the procurement and disposal policy systems and practices of Lower Local Governments and departments

Monitor compliance of user departments by at least 90%.

Comply with the-Procurement procedures set by the government such as the PDDA Act, Local Government Procurement regulations 2006.

Liaise with the user departments to pay suppliers for the goods, services and works done


4.8.1 The Role of the user departments and Lower local Governments

Ensure they comply with the procurement procedures as stipulated in the PPDA ACT 2003 and the Local Government Procurement Regulations 2006.

Ensure timely submission of departmental procurement plans.

Ensure timely payment of suppliers for the goods, services and works done.

Preparation of requisitions to smoothen plans on time to ease of consolidation of the Procurement Plan.


4.8.2 The Role of the suppliers


Ensure they respond to the Procurement advert for the supply of goods, services, and works

 Ensure they respond to the request for quotation and request for proposal for various items of procurement when invited by the Procurement and Disposal Unit