3.1 Production and Marketing Department


3.1.1 Production office

The main goal of the Department is to increase household incomes and improve the well-being of the farmers while contributing to the overall growth of the national economy. The Department’s objective and strategies are further guided by the Agricultural Sector

Development     Strategy and Investment Plan (DSIP) under MAAIF.


Specifically, shall endeavor;

  1. To increase household incomes by raising agricultural production and productivity annually.
  2. To ensure household food and nutrition security daily
  3. To create employment opportunities both on farm and off farm.
  4. To promote value addition to Agricultural products annually.
  5.                    To promote domestic and external trade in Agricultural products
  6. To co-ordinate functionality of government programmes like Operation Wealth Creation ACDP among others
  7. Address technical challenges in the selected areas including critical farm inputs, mechanization and Water for Agricultural Production;
  8. Improve agricultural markets and value addition in the        12 prioritized commodities Institutional strengthening for agricultural development.
  9. Provide improved planting materials to 8000 farmers for commercial agriculture.
  10. Provide ox ploughs for mechanised farming to five groups of farmers with 30 members each totalling to 150 farmers.
  11. Provide advisory services to 40 groups of fanners per sub county each group comprising of 30 members.


3.5.2 Crops Sub sector.

The main goal is to promote food security and eradicate poverty by increasing and improving both the quality and quantity of food and cash crops produced and to ensure low post harvest losses, proper processing, storage, marketing and consumption.


Specifically, shall endeavor;

  1. To plan, coordinate supervise and monitor the delivery of crop Advisory services annually. To ensure household food security in the district daily.
  2. To ensure that there is effective control and eradication of crop pests and diseases daily. To ensure quality of all agricultural inputs daily.
  3. Provide improved planting materials to 8000 farmers for commercial agriculture.
  4. Provide ox ploughs for mechanised farming to five groups of farmers with 30 members each totalling to 150 farmers.
  5. Provide advisory services to 40 groups of farmers per sub county each group comprising of 30 members.
  6. To promote production of high value horticultural, banana, coffee and other crops. To ensure safe use of crop agrochemicals daily.


3.5.3 Livestock

The main goal of this department is contributing to the improvement of livelihood of farmers basing on livestock enterprises.

Specifically, shall endeavor;

  • To plan, coordinate and supervise the delivery of advisory services to all livestock farmers in all parts of Bugweri District daily.


  • To effectively prevent and control diseases, pests and parasites through farmer sensitization, conducting proper disease diagnosis, routine disease surveillance, treatment and vaccinating animals daily.


  • Provide quality veterinary advice for farmers in the 14 sub counties of the district
  • Vaccinate 50% of the birds and 50% of the animal’s block treated against trypanosomiasis,
  • Spay 50% of the   animals   with   an   acaricide   insecticide to   control   ticks and to improve quality, safety and value of livestock and their products through controlling zoonotic disease agents –   in all animals and their products
  • To ensure that farmers have quality farm input (agrochemicals, drugs, feeds, animals ) so that livestock-based enterprise continues to strive profitably under changing economic conditions quarterly.


3.5.4 Fisheries:

The   main   goal   of   the   department   is   to   promote   sustainable   fishing   activities.

Specifically, shall endeavor;


Sensitise and train 100 fish farmers every year

  1. To plan, coordinate and supervise the delivery of fisheries advisory services quarterly.
  2. To   ensure   sustainable   utilization of lake fisheries resources; regular monitoring
    surveillance and control on Lake Victoria quarterly,
  3. To promote fish farming as an alternative to lake and a source of household income and livelihood quarterly.

3.5.5 Commercial Services and Trade

The purpose of this department is to provide leadership, technical support and guidance for the delivery of quality commercial services in the local government. This will be through interpreting and implementing policies, giving guidance on matters of Tourism, Trade,
Industry and Cooperatives. This entails; creating an enabling environment for wealth creation – market oriented production, enhancement of value addition, quality assurance and sustainable bulk marketing for an export- led economic growth.

To nurture and increase competitiveness of the local business/private sector, collect, compile & disseminate market intelligence daily.

Specifically, shall endeavor;

  1. To improve the doing business environment, through promoting public private partnerships, implement measures to reduce the time and cost of starting a business in the District daily.
  2. To mobilize and support the community to form Small Scale Enterprise (SME) Productive units, in support for the development of the Industrial Sector quarterly.
    To develop a strategy for development of the potential of tourism sites and facilities in the district annually.
  3. Strengthen the lead SACCOs in each sub county to mobilise 50% of the required members annually.
  4. Form at least one rural producer organisation at parish level in every sub county annually
  5. To develop a District Tourism Development Plan, identify all potential tourist points of interest, and working with stakeholders to create access to the sites Roads/Boats daily.
  6. To develop and strengthen the    cooperative movement daily


3.5.6 Entomology


The overall objective is to plan, co- ordinate and supervise delivery of entomological services.

Specifically, we shall-endeavor;

To suppress Tsetse populations in the infected areas of the district daily

To promote bee- keeping for household income generation among rural communities

3.5.6 Entomology

The overall objective is to plan, co- ordinate and supervise delivery of entomological services.

Specifically, we shall-endeavor;


  1. To suppress Tsetse populations in the infected areas of the district daily
  2. To promote bee- keeping for household income generation among rural communities’ sector developers daily.
  3. To administer the Natural Resource office daily.
  4. Train 25-30 farmers on bee keeping in each sub county every year.
  5. Deploy at least 500 tsetse fly traps every year.
  6. To compile data and information in the Environment and Natural resource center quarterly.
  7. Support and work with ENR based civil society organizations and Private sector daily.


3.1.5 Fisheries.

  1. a) Sensitise and train 100 fish farmers every year.


3.2   Cooperatives

  1. a) Strengthen the lead SACCOs in each sub county to mobilise 50% of the required

members annually.

  1. b) Form at least one rural producer organisation at parish level in every sub county

3.3   Trade and Industry

  1. a) To form one area cooperative enterprise per sub county.

3.4 Management Support (CAO’s office, Human Resources and Records Management)

Overall objective – To interpret, coordinate and implement lawful Council and Government policies. 


Specifically, CAOs’ office shall endeavor;


  1. To co-ordinate, implement, supervise, monitor, and evaluate Government programmes daily.
  2. To initiate recruitment of staff in the District biannually.
  3. To strengthen the human resource capacity at the district and Sub-county level through building capacity of staff and other stakeholders annually.
  4. To establish and maintain a sound records management system daily.
  5. To process pay roll and effect payment of salaries and pension monthly.
  6. To network with Central Government and other development partners timely.
  7. To provide and maintain office equipment, assets, facilities and premises daily. To ensure staff welfare monthly
  8. To carry out 80% of staff appraisals by 30th day of August.
  9. To provide feedback to communications within 7days of receipt.
  10. To hold senior management meeting committee meetings weekly.
  11. To hold technical planning committee meetings monthly
  12. To create public awareness about developmental issues in the District daily.
  13. To build the capacity on communication, information gathering and dissemination daily.
  14. To establishing good relations between the District and the community daily